September 2017
What’s New: Employee Training
Ranger has teamed up with PII Protect to provide Free Cybersecurity training for your employees. This is online, self-paced training that test for comprehension upon completion. This offer ends October 31st
IBM found that 95% of all data breaches are caused by human error. Companies need to do more than install firewalls and Anti-Virus to protect their business. Cyber attacks have gone from a vague threat to one of the most urgent problems in business today. Humans make mistakes. Employees must be specifically trained to prevent a data breach.
Sign up today at or contact me directly at to get started.
Who Wants To Win A $75 Gift Card?
Here is last month’s Trivia Challenge Quiz: The world’s largest manufacturer of business machines created this innovative electric typewriter. A rotating type element rather than individual typebars would strike the page to print the letters. What is this once ubiquitous but now obsolete machine?
a) Hollerith Tabulator b) Xerox Alto c) IBM Selectric d) Edison Voicewriter The correct answer was c) IBM Selectric
Now, here’s this month’s trivia question. The winner will be placed in our quarterly drawing to win a $75 gift card!
The next major step in the automated computer was the development of something that was widely used for nearly a hundred years. What did Herman Hollerith and James Power develop in 1890?
A) Punched cards
B) Confetti
C) Ticker tape
D) Papier mache
Call us right now with your answer!

What Will You Do When This Disaster Hits Your Business?
As hacking hit the headlines in the last few years — most recently the global hack in May that targeted companies both large and small — insurance policies to protect businesses against damage and lawsuits have become a very lucrative business indeed. Your company may already have cyber insurance, and that’s a good thing. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a job to do — or that the insurance will cover you no matter what.
In today’s world of rampant cybercrime, every savvy business owner knows the necessity of locking down their data. However, we find that the cyber security technologies used by the vast majority of businesses are woefully out of date. Sure, your current solution may have worked great, but digital threats to the safety of your company are constantly evolving. Criminals will eventually attempt to breach your data — and your barriers are not as secure as you might think.
Before World War II, the Germans developed a technology that would prove to be a key player in the conflict: its family of infamous Enigma machines. These devices, about the size of a small microwave, were composed primarily of a typewriter and a series of three or four rotors. By using a set of rules contained in a corresponding codebook, German soldiers would use the machine to encode vital messages to be sent covertly over the airwaves. The number of potential permutations — and thus solutions — for the code was in the tens of millions. The Germans were confident that the code could never be broken and used it for a vast array of top-secret communications.
The code’s impenetrability didn’t last. Via photographs of stolen Enigma operating manuals, the Polish Cipher Bureau reconstructed one of the stubborn Enigma machines, internal wiring and all, enabling them to decrypt the Wehrmacht’s messages from 1933 to 1938. Facing an impending German invasion, Poland decided to share these secrets with the British. But, at the outbreak of the war, the Germans increased the security of the Enigma initiative by changing the cipher system daily. In response, a British code-breaking team, led by genius English computer scientist Alan Turing, constructed primitive computers, known as “bombes,” that allowed them to decrypt the incredibly complicated ciphers faster than ever before. But it wasn’t until the capture of the U-110 warship and the seizure of its Enigma machine and codebooks that the British were able to decrypt the most complicated cipher of the war, the Kriegsmarine Enigma.
The information gleaned from these decrypts are believed to have shortened the war by more than two years, saving over 14 million lives.
TAKE THIS AS A CAUTIONARY TALE: the most advanced, complex cryptography system in the world became obsolete within 10 years. The same goes for your potentially outdated cyber security measures.
Just like you, the Germans believed the systems they had put in place to defend their secrets were impenetrable. And it’s true: the system had few cryptographic weaknesses. However, there were flaws in German procedure, mistakes made by Enigma operators, and failures to introduce changes into the Enigma formula — along with the Allied capture of key equipment and intelligence — that ultimately allowed the Allies to crack the code once and for all.
Take this as a cautionary tale: the most advanced, complex cryptography system in the world became obsolete within 10 years. The same goes for your potentially outdated cyber security measures.
Though they may not be led by Alan Turing and his team, you can bet criminals are constantly chipping away at the defenses of even the most powerful firewalls. The arms race between cyber security companies and cybercriminals rages on behind the scenes, and you can bet that they’ve already cracked your business’s “Enigma.” Just look at the massive European cyber attack this past June, which infected computers from over 27 companies across the continent, including those of the largest oil company in Russia, with ransomware. The unimaginable cost of that attack is something you certainly don’t want your business to shoulder.
As technology evolves, so does crime. New threats arise each and every day. While solutions are available (and needed), they are notably absent in older software developed at a time before these constantly morphing attacks even existed.
Once the enemy has found a way to pick your lock, you nนeed a new lock. Luckily, you have your trusty IT provider, constantly on the lookout for cutting-edge solutions that protect our clients from even the nastiest malware.
Don’t be like the Germans. Constantly look at options to upgrade to more robust, better cyber security to defend yourself from the bleeding-edge hackers, and sleep safe knowing your business is secure.
FREE Report: The 7 Most Critical IT Security Protections Every Business Must Have In Place Now To Protect Themselves From Cybercrime, Data Breaches And Hacker Attacks

Eighty-two thousand NEW malware threats are being released every day, and business (and their bank accounts) are the No.1 target. To make matters worse, a data breach exposing client or patient information can quickly escalate into serious reputational damage, fines, civil lawsuits, and costly litigation. If you want to have any hope of avoiding a cyber-attack, you MUST read this report and act on the information we're providing.
Claim Your FREE Copy Today at
Shiny New Gadget Of The Month:

Building A Smarter Shower
The cutting-edge U by Moen Smart Shower is looking to revolutionize your shower experience. With digital valves and a corresponding controller, the U by Moen can make any shower a lot smarter.
After users install the digital valves and controller — a task that takes a few tools and a little bit of handiwork — the U by Moen allows them to sync their showers with their smartphone. The system then makes it easy to customize the showering experience, choosing the perfect temperature and saving preferences for future use. Start the shower remotely, and it will let you know when it’s ready, automatically shutting off until you step in. Available for showers with either two or four outlets, the U by Moen is the perfect addition for those looking to digitize every aspect of their home.
Adequacy Is Unacceptable
Recently, while working on a program for a company that has been in business for over 64 years, I came across a particularly compelling value statement: “In the pursuit of excellence, adequacy is unacceptable.” It’s stuck with me since then as a perfect encapsulation of forwardthinking business philosophy.
Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Google, and thousands of other digital tools have completely changed the way companies must do business if they plan on surviving. With two taps on their smartphone, anybody can go online and check out your company. In 10 seconds they can see everything that’s being said about you and your team. In an instant, potential prospects can type your company’s name into the search bar and sift through your dirty laundry. If people are complaining about your service, your demeanor, or your product, you can say goodbye to this potential customer, because they’re moving on. Sometimes, all it takes is a single colorful review to stop us from ever doing business with that company.
So where does “adequacy is unacceptable” enter the mix?
The truth is, people don’t go online and write comments about adequate experiences they have with companies. When a customer decides to take time out of their busy day to write a review, you can bet they’re going to either rave and rant about their fantastic experience, or go far out of their way to drag your company’s name through the mud after the horrible time they had. The smartest companies realize this and bend over backwards to elicit descriptors like “superior,” “awesome,” “amazing” and “excellent.” If your business is doing a middling job, or even a “good” one, it might as well be invisible.
“Adequacy is unacceptable” is a perfect ideal not only for the hugely successful business I worked with recently, but for all companies. “Adequate” is just another word for average — are you looking to hire average people or do business with average companies? Of course you’re not. The consequence of being merely adequate is always disappointment. An adequate experience captivates no one, does nothing exceptional, and has no distinctive qualities. There is no way to differentiate yourself from the competition while doing an adequate job.
Instead, consider what your company can do to impress, astound and excite those for whom you are working. The company that consistently not only exceeds expectations, but blows them totally out of the water, will always be in high demand. Do more, be more, give more, and you’re sure to achieve more. This isn’t third-grade soccer; nobody’s going to give you a trophy for an adequate performance.

Robert Stevenson, along with being a best-selling author, is among the most successful public speakers in the world. His years of service-minded experience owning and running numerous companies have given him the real-world knowledge to help fellow business owners thrive.
In other news
Your Copier Is Spying On You
It may sound paranoid, but it’s true: the machines you use every day around the office could be spying on your data. Copiers and multifunction printers, particularly, are some of the leading causes of business data breaches. When you consider it, it makes sense. They’re among the only devices on the network that rarely have their default password changed. But these advanced copiers and printers often house images of all the pages they’ve ever scanned on an internal hard drive, making them the perfect target for thieves. Make sure to change the password from the default on every network-connected device in your office. This one simple step can save you a costly headache down the road. 01/31/2017
Your Best Employee WILL Quit ... Are You Prepared?
Employee churn is a fact of business. It’s important to take steps to ensure that regardless of an employee’s importance, their loss won’t be catastrophic. Consider everyone on your team. If they left, what would it do to your business? Make sure to document indispensable knowledge. In the end, you should keep your team as happy as possible, but be supportive if they make the decision to leave. 12/10/15
Fight Traffic Tickets WITHOUT Leaving the Comforts of Home
“Off the Record” is a new app that allows you to contest those pesky speeding tickets without ever leaving your house. All you have to do is take a picture of your ticket, answer a couple questions, and pay a fee (ranging from $53 to $599, depending on your area). The app will then assign the case to a local lawyer to contest the charge. It may sound too good to be true, until you consider its 97% success rate. Best of all, if the ticket is not dismissed, deferred, or reduced to a nonmoving violation, you’ll get a full refund! 7/7/17